Thursday, June 28, 2012
"R2D2" Star Wars figure
Mini "R2D2" Star Wars figure built by Hamphoz Cratos Rescale: 35% (original pattern was 4 cm height). No sources given.
Mini 'Land Rover Defender 110'
Land Rover Defender 110
another mini built by my friend Hamphoz Cratos. He printed this model on inkjet paper 100 GSM rescaled it to A8 paper. The bad news is he forgot about the sources. ^^
Tatra 163
Here comes again another mini model from my friend Haris Rakhman Hidayat. It was Tatra 163 6x6 he printed and rescale it using HVS A6 80 gsm paper. Actually this model supposed to be mini 1:100 but our friends here want to challenge himselve and make it more tiny. this model come from here. There are a lot of tiny model there..hope you will like it ^^
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Mini SD Akatsuki
Yeay hello Micro crafter..Long Time no see.. Here is my new mini ppc... Actually this is my first mini Gundam, so it is far from the perfect one, but I tried my best.... This model is come from Arif Suseno... one of the greatest Papercraft designer from Indonesia. I print it on Inkjet Glossy Photo paper 120 GSM. I don't now how to mention the scale but it was about A7 paper. If you wish to download this you may find it in here.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Balinese Legong Dancer
Legong is a form of Balinese dance. It is a refined dance form characterized by intricate finger movements, complicated footwork, and expressive gestures and facial expressions.
Legong probably originated in the 19th century as royal entertainment. Legend has it that a prince of Sukwati fell ill and had a vivid dream in which two maidens danced to gamelan music. When he recovered, he arranged for such dances to be performed in reality.[1] Others believe that the Legong originated with the sanghyang dedari, a ceremony involving voluntary possession of two little girls by beneficent spirits.[2] Legong is also danced at public festivals. Excerpts from Legong dance dramas are put on for tourists.
Legong dancers are always girls who have not yet reached puberty. They begin rigorous training at about the age of five. These dancers are regarded highly in the society and usually become wives of royal personages or wealthy merchants.[3]
Classical Legong enacts several traditional stories. The most common is the tale of the King of Lasem from theMalat, a collection of heroic romances. He is at war with another king, the father (or brother) of Princess Ranjasari. Lasem wants to marry the girl, but she detests him and tries to run away. Becoming lost in the forest, she is captured by Lasem, who imprisons her and goes out for a final assault against her family. He is attacked by a monstrous raven, which foretells his death.
The dramatics are enacted in elaborate and stylized pantomime. The two little actresses are accompanied by a third dancer called a tjondong or attendant. She sets the scene, presents the dancers with their fans and later plays the part of the raven.
source : wikipedia
This model was design by Julius Perdana and my friend Lidwina Priliani made it in A8 paper and stands about 4 cm height with the stand. if you want to get this model you may found it in here.
Mini Dakkar Truck
Here Comes Again..another mini model comes from Haris Rakhman Hidayat my other friend from Indonesia.. He made this mini models in A6 paper size and made from HVS paper 80 GSM. The original scale was about 1:100 but he decided to make even smaller, so I think it was about 1:400 scale. If you are interest to get some of this model you can get it from here.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
How to Cut a Straight Line Using Cutterpen Without Ruler
Written by : Hamphoz Cratos , Edited by : Haryanto Chandra
1. It is recommended to use cutting mat, Because the material which was created to facilitate cutting by using the cutter.
2. More comfortable using a cutter eye condition which about 80-90%, because of the new cutter's eyes are too sharp and tend to be difficult to be directed.
3. A slightly stronger emphasis do when cut, intended to cut the line has not changed.
4. When the cut line which is rather long, try to elbow / arm is not attached to the counter / cutting board, so that hand gestures are not disturbed while cutting.
5. The most important Factors, FOCUS, sure and confident that we can cut it with a straight. Because in my experience, when we JUST A LITTLE DOUBT, then the result will cut off.
6. Keep practicing and practicing. As our friend Renie Marina always say, "Practice makes perfect." : D
If you are already able and familiar with it, like a page straight lines can be cut with a straight and neat, like Om Rauf who is always doing. ;)
-This technique can be applied for scoring as well, with the emphasis diminished 50 - 70%.
-If you want tried it do not jump in a pattern that is being done. Better to be tried in another pattern which is to exercise, because I will not be liable for any damages which occur if you make a wrong cut. :p
Good luck. :)
Translate (Original version)
Cara memotong garis lurus dgn cutterpen tanpa bantuan penggaris.
1. Disarankan menggunakan cutting mat, krn materialnya yg memang dibuat utk memudahkan pemotongan dgn menggunakan cutter.
2. Lebih enak menggunakan mata cutter yg kondisinya sekitar 80-90%, karena mata cutter yang baru terlalu tajam dan cenderung sulit utk diarahkan.
3. Lakukan penekanan yg sedikit kuat saat memotong, dimaksudkan agar jalur potong tidak berubah.
4. Saat memotong garis yg agak panjang, usahakan sikut/lengan tidak menempel pada meja/alas potong, agar gerakan tangan tidak terganggu saat memotong.
5. Faktor yg terpenting, FOKUS, YAKIN dan PEDE bahwa kita bisa memotongnya dgn lurus. Karena menurut pengalaman saya, saat kita SEDIKIT SAJA RAGU, maka hasil potong akan melenceng.
6. Terus berlatih dan berlatih. Seperti teman kita Renie Marina selalu bilang, "Practice makes perfect." :D
Kalo kamu sudah bisa dan terbiasa, mau garis lurus satu halaman pun bisa terpotong dgn lurus dan rapi, seperti yg Om Rauf selalu lakukan. ;)
-Bisa diaplikasikan untuk scoring juga, dgn tingkat penekanan yg dikurangi 50 - 70%.
-Kalo mau nyoba jangan langsung di pola yg sedang dikerjakan. Lebih baik dicoba di pattern lain yg memang untuk latihan, karena saya tidak akan bertanggung jawab atas kerusakan yg terjadi kalo salah memotong. :p
Selamat mencoba. :)
1. It is recommended to use cutting mat, Because the material which was created to facilitate cutting by using the cutter.
2. More comfortable using a cutter eye condition which about 80-90%, because of the new cutter's eyes are too sharp and tend to be difficult to be directed.
3. A slightly stronger emphasis do when cut, intended to cut the line has not changed.
4. When the cut line which is rather long, try to elbow / arm is not attached to the counter / cutting board, so that hand gestures are not disturbed while cutting.
5. The most important Factors, FOCUS, sure and confident that we can cut it with a straight. Because in my experience, when we JUST A LITTLE DOUBT, then the result will cut off.
6. Keep practicing and practicing. As our friend Renie Marina always say, "Practice makes perfect." : D
If you are already able and familiar with it, like a page straight lines can be cut with a straight and neat, like Om Rauf who is always doing. ;)
-This technique can be applied for scoring as well, with the emphasis diminished 50 - 70%.
-If you want tried it do not jump in a pattern that is being done. Better to be tried in another pattern which is to exercise, because I will not be liable for any damages which occur if you make a wrong cut. :p
Good luck. :)
Translate (Original version)
Ditulis oleh : Hamphoz Cratos, Disadur oleh : Haryanto Chandra
2. Lebih enak menggunakan mata cutter yg kondisinya sekitar 80-90%, karena mata cutter yang baru terlalu tajam dan cenderung sulit utk diarahkan.
3. Lakukan penekanan yg sedikit kuat saat memotong, dimaksudkan agar jalur potong tidak berubah.
4. Saat memotong garis yg agak panjang, usahakan sikut/lengan tidak menempel pada meja/alas potong, agar gerakan tangan tidak terganggu saat memotong.
5. Faktor yg terpenting, FOKUS, YAKIN dan PEDE bahwa kita bisa memotongnya dgn lurus. Karena menurut pengalaman saya, saat kita SEDIKIT SAJA RAGU, maka hasil potong akan melenceng.
6. Terus berlatih dan berlatih. Seperti teman kita Renie Marina selalu bilang, "Practice makes perfect." :D
Kalo kamu sudah bisa dan terbiasa, mau garis lurus satu halaman pun bisa terpotong dgn lurus dan rapi, seperti yg Om Rauf selalu lakukan. ;)
-Bisa diaplikasikan untuk scoring juga, dgn tingkat penekanan yg dikurangi 50 - 70%.
-Kalo mau nyoba jangan langsung di pola yg sedang dikerjakan. Lebih baik dicoba di pattern lain yg memang untuk latihan, karena saya tidak akan bertanggung jawab atas kerusakan yg terjadi kalo salah memotong. :p
Selamat mencoba. :)
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Monday, June 11, 2012
Linux Icon
Linux Icon
desainer : Chris Beaumont
source :
kertas : hvs 80 A9
builder : Rijali Aroni
Happy Play 02 Papertoy
Happy Play 02 Papertoy
desainer : salazad
source :
kertas : hvs 70
scale : unknown
builder : Rijali Aroni
Cirno - Touhou Project
Cirno -Touhou Project- Graphig style
desainer : nasos
source :
kertas : hvs 80 A9
builder :Rijali Aroni
Bulbasaur in A8
desainer :
source :
kertas : hvs 80 A8
builder : Rijali Aroni
Mini Hako Patlabor AV-98 Ingram 2
Mini Hako Patlabor AV-98 Ingram 2
Rescale: Wallet print size
Paper: HVS 80gsm (normal copy paper)
Builder : Hamphoz
Source: unknown
Mini Asturo Troops Series 1
Mini Asturo Troops Series 1
Desainer: Maulana D. Prawiroamidjojo
Rescale: Wallet print size
Paper: Inkjet Paper 100gsm
Builder : Hamphoz
Mini Cubeecraft Gundam RX-78
Come again mini Cubeecraft Gundam RX-78 built by Hamphoz
Rescale: Wallet print size
Paper: HVS 80gsm
Mini Simple Borderlands Claptrap
Desainer: Craig Carver
Rescale: not sure (between A9-A10)
Paper: Inkjet paper 100gsm
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Mini cubeecraft Gundam Deathscythe Hell
This tiny Gundam Deathscythe Hell is built by Hamphoz Cratos. He Scaled it into Wallet print size. Using Inkjet Paper 100gsm.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Tusuk Gigi (Toothpicks)
I believe that you are already know what toothpicks are, right? Yes,you're right. A toothpick is a small stick of wood, plastic, bamboo, metal, bone or other substance used to remove detritus from the teeth, usually after a meal. A toothpick usually has one or two sharp ends to insert between teeth. They can also be used for picking up small appetizers (like cheese cubes orolives) or as a cocktail stick. So, what is it for in papercraft? in building papercraft you may put the glue in the flaps right? Then you can use this toothpicks to put the glue on the flaps. you can use toothpicks to flatten your glue on the flaps, so it can create the smooth and neat surface on your papercraft. you can use anykind of toothpicks that you found near you. you can use the bamboo, wood, plastic or even metal toothpicks. So, enjoy the experiment.
Wacom Bamboo tipe CTH-470/S
Titipan teman : Jual Wacom Bamboo tipe CTH-470/S edisi bamboo manga, udah ada stiker protector + tas wacom. Jual cepat aja 1,2juta (termasuk ongkir), baru 1 minggu pakai. Alasan jual : Mau beli lebih besar, salah beli. CP me aja, perantara. Foto nyusul bsk ya. Sudah ditest ama gw langsung, masih mulus dan halus.
Minat Hubungi :
Christopher Ryan (Perantara) di
The Avengers - Captain America Mini Papercraft
For Those who like The Avengers. here you go the 1st Avengers Captain America mini model. You may have the template from here.
Captain America Mini Papercraft
The first Avenger! The supersoldier from Marvel Comics. I like this cute model. This model was created by Gus Santome. I found his blogspot and he was the one i was looking for he design a lot of cute minis model which i like it very much...if you want to get the templlate you may visit here and you will found the rest of The Avengers mini model.
Stalwart Robotic Missile Tank Papercraft
Friday, June 8, 2012
Gundam RX78-2
Look at this, how tiny isn't it? is it a paper? yes it was a paper. This small little tiny gundam (RX78-2) was made by my friend Lidwina. and she made this using inkjet paper..I dunno the scale of this ppc and also the sources of this model. So just enjoy it.
2011 Thor - Mjolnir Papercraft (Film Version)
This is the film version of Thor Mjolnir Hammer (2012)..This hammer was originally designed by Marvel Papercraft - Mjolnir, Thor's Hammer. but it was redesigned and modified by George S. Actually this hammer was made in real size but I decided to make it in small version so I rescale this model printed using Adobe Reader multiple page custom (5/15) in Glossy Photo Paper 120GSM. if you want to get this hammer you can get it in here.
Si Kumbang NU200 A6, A7, A8
Si Kumbang NU200 in A6, A7, A8
This model was built by our awesome minis builder friend Lidwina. She was a great minis builder, next time I will share another project that has been made by her. This model was originally come from ZRP Papercrafter. Then she decided to minimize this model so here we go, mini Si Kumbang NU200 in A6, A7, A8 (5cm, 3cm, and 2,5cm)
Lem yang digunakan untuk membuat papercraft
Tidak sembarang lem bisa dipakai untuk membuat papercraft. Berikut
adalah daftar lem yang bisa dipakai untuk membuat papercraft beserta
kekurangan dan kelebihannya.
- Lem Putih PVAc
- Kelebihan :
- Ketika kering, lem ini akan berwarna bening doff (tidak glossy / mengkilat) bandingkan dengan lem UHU yang ketika kering akan berwarna bening mengkilap. Karena doff, maka lem ini tidak akan kelihatan berlepotan pada papercraft.
- Hampir bisa melekatkan segalanya, kecuali styrofam, matras, vynil, kaca.
- Kadar air relatif sedikit dibandingkan lem kertas biasa. Beberapa jenis kertas yang tipis akan melengkung apabila direkatkan dengan lem kertas biasa, tetapi tidak bila menggunakan lem ini.
- Kekurangan :
- Waktu pengeringan yang lama.
- Kesimpulan : Lem ini direkomendasikan untuk membuat sebuah papercraft
- Kelebihan :
- Lem Kuning
- Kelebihan :
- Hampir bisa melekatkan segalanya.
- Kekurangan :
- Lem ini menggunakan bahan dasar bensin, sehingga sangat korosif terhadap material tertentu. Jangan sekali-sekali menggunakan lem ini untuk menempel styrofoam. Dijamin 100% pasti hancur.
- Harus sekali jadi pada posisi yang tepat, karena sekali menempel, jangan harap bisa dilepaskan lagi tanpa merusak bahannya.
- Kesimpulan : Lem ini sangat tidak direkomendasikan untuk membuat papercraft.
- Kelebihan :
- Lem UHU
- Kelebihan :
- Sama seperti lem putih, setelah kering lem ini akan berwarna bening. Namun perbedaannya adalah setelah kering lem ini akan berwarna bening mengkilap, tidak doff.
- Lebih cepat kering daripada lem putih.
- Hampir bisa melekatkan segalanya.
- Kekurangan :
- Mengandung alcohol.
- Kesimpulan : Lem ini sangat direkomendasikan untuk membuat papercraft.
- Kelebihan :
- Lem Super Power Glue
- Kelebihan :
- paling cepat mengering dibandingkan dengan lem lainnya.
- merekat sangat kuat dan dapat digunakan untuk mempertebal/memperkuat tempelan
- Hampir bisa melekatkan segalanya.
- Kekurangan :
- harus extra hati-hati dalam menggunakan lem ini karena sangat cepat menempel dan sangat kuat
- hindari dari jangkauan anak-anak dan organ terbuka lainnya karena lem ini bersifat sangat keras
- akan menimbulkan bercak putih pada saat mengeras
- Kesimpulan : Lem ini tidak direkomendasikan untuk membuat papercraft.
Original article from perikertas
- Kelebihan :
Paper For Micro model
For those who are willing to built model under 5cm height (<5cm), I suggested you to use paper under 100 GSM (<100GSM).
Untuk ukuran model kertas mini (tinggi <5cm), sebaiknya gunakan kertas ukuran <100gsm.
Originally written by : Rauf Raphanus from perikertas
Untuk ukuran model kertas mini (tinggi <5cm), sebaiknya gunakan kertas ukuran <100gsm.
Originally written by : Rauf Raphanus from perikertas
Mini M4 Sherman Tank Paper Model
The M4 Sherman was the most common tank used by the US Army during World War II. This 1:100 scale papercraft of the M4 was created by Czech paper model designer Rawen. Rawen has designed dozens of free mini (1:100 scale) and micro (1:250 scale) models. You can get this template from here. There are also several Star Trek models and a Stargate model available from his original website PR Model.
Trans Metro Pekanbaru Paper Model
Trans Metro Pekanbaru (TMP) is Bus Rapid Transit system in Pekanbaru, started on June 18th 2009.
Trans Metro Pekanbaru using yellow-coloured bus and LED coverage indicator for route marker, currently has 2 lines or corridor running and planned to open another 2 on 2012 using designated shelter but not on private bus lane. (wiki)
You can get this model from here
Person in Charge
Welcome to my blog this blog was made for those who like to built micro model. So if you want to share your micro model please send to my email and i will posted it here. Don't forget to put your picture, the sources, and the scale of your model as the information of the model you built. for those who has question around papercraft fell free to ask here. And I hope everyone in this site would help, share your experience to others...
Here is my contact person ...
email :
Phone : +6282112581085, +6282122766722
Pin BB : 21dd0ae1
Facebook : Haryanto Chandra
Here is my contact person ...
email :
Phone : +6282112581085, +6282122766722
Pin BB : 21dd0ae1
Facebook : Haryanto Chandra
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Acrylic Box Display
Untuk para micro builder pasti kerap kali anda menemui kesulitan dalam menyimpan ataupun mendisplay hasil karya anda yang unyu2.
Di sini, saya akan mencoba menawarkan pada anda semua kotak untuk penyimpanan/mendisplay micro model anda semua. Namun, peralatan ini tidak terbatas digunakan untuk hobi merakit kertas saja. Kamu bebas memanfaatkan alat-alat ini untuk keperluan hobi lain. Acrylic Display Box ini memiliki ukuran yang bervariasi sehingga dapat disesuaikan dengan model anda.
Contoh pengaplikasian Box Display Acrylic pada micro model
Model by :
Untuk pembelian :
1. Pemesanan dapat dilakukan melalui E-mail, SMS, maupun BBM.
2. Tulis list barang-barang yang diinginkan beserta jumlahnya dengan jelas (ukuran box).
3. Tulis alamat lengkap dengan Kode Pos untuk pengiriman.
4. Setelah mendapat konfirmasi tentang total harga termasuk ongkos kirim, silahkan transfer ke BCA.
5. Konfirmasi setelah transfer, cukup melalui SMS dan saya akan langsung mengecek melalui e-banking.
6. Paket akan dikirim pada kloter tercepat setelah konfirmasi transfer diterima.
7. Barang sampai di alamat tujuan.
8. No. Resi akan diberikan apabila barang belum sampai selama 3-1minggu (tergantung jauhnya pengiriman)
9. Barang akan saya kirimkan dengan menggunakan jasa JNE.
Di sini, saya akan mencoba menawarkan pada anda semua kotak untuk penyimpanan/mendisplay micro model anda semua. Namun, peralatan ini tidak terbatas digunakan untuk hobi merakit kertas saja. Kamu bebas memanfaatkan alat-alat ini untuk keperluan hobi lain. Acrylic Display Box ini memiliki ukuran yang bervariasi sehingga dapat disesuaikan dengan model anda.
Box Display Acrylic
8,5x8,4x16 cm
IDR 40.000
Box Display Acrylic
8,5x8,4x10 cm
IDR 40.000
Box Display Acrylic
8,7x9,3x9,3 cm
IDR 40.000
Box Display Acrylic
15,5x7,5x8 cm
IDR 40.000
Box Transparent 558
4x4x7,5 cm
IDR 5.000
Contoh pengaplikasian Box Display Acrylic pada micro model
Model by :
1. Pemesanan dapat dilakukan melalui E-mail, SMS, maupun BBM.
2. Tulis list barang-barang yang diinginkan beserta jumlahnya dengan jelas (ukuran box).
3. Tulis alamat lengkap dengan Kode Pos untuk pengiriman.
4. Setelah mendapat konfirmasi tentang total harga termasuk ongkos kirim, silahkan transfer ke BCA.
5. Konfirmasi setelah transfer, cukup melalui SMS dan saya akan langsung mengecek melalui e-banking.
6. Paket akan dikirim pada kloter tercepat setelah konfirmasi transfer diterima.
7. Barang sampai di alamat tujuan.
8. No. Resi akan diberikan apabila barang belum sampai selama 3-1minggu (tergantung jauhnya pengiriman)
9. Barang akan saya kirimkan dengan menggunakan jasa JNE.
Transfer ke:
a/n Haryanto Chandra
Contact Person:
Phone Number : 082112581085 / 082122766722
Pin BB : 21dd0ae1
Phone Number : 082112581085 / 082122766722
Pin BB : 21dd0ae1
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